i worked as usual...but there's a loads of job need to be done... and i didn't managed to finished 1 of them before the office hour end, the CPM, its one of a project management technique..using MICROSOFT PROJECT...it provides a graphical view of the project, predicts the time required to complete the project, shows which activities are critical to maintaining the schedule and which are not...in a simple word, it is a work sequent...and the project i'm doing is a remedial works on a damaged pitching stone at the highway, in taiping...huhuh...beku otak aku....i fail to finished it today..i'll sambung tomorrow..because i just can't wait to go home...damn tired and sleepy...need something to freshen me up...
tapi di waktu petang........................
as usual, my bro-in-law pick me up after work..on our way home, he handed me an envelope..owh, its a kiriman for me..what a surprise...i open it impatiently, and wohoho...wow!! its a CARD!!!!!! from a friend and it really surprised me...my bro-in-law said the card arrived at home during lunch hour when he go back home for a while to pick IWAN from school...
rasa seperti muda seketika...card tu beb...hohoho..cute..isi nye??rahsia...hoho...nanti la citer..i was so excited that she made me one of the cutest thing a 23rd year old can do...wahaha...macam kanak-kanak sekolah kan...even she is damn BUSY, she managed to make a card for me...*happy*
and how did she came up with such an idea...
and this really freshen me up...hohohoho....u really made my day buddy!
bile plak u nak bg card utk i..
dah sampai dah card yg i bagi tu..
bile plak i leh dapat card camtu.nak kad jugak...wawawaaaaa...cinoi mau kad jugak.tapi aku nak si dia wat tuk aku,tapi kalo ko nak bg aku leh jugak
tunggu la k...e-card buleh x?hohoho
haha..ye2..betol2..sampai dah..card yg i bg u lak?hohohho
aku bg e-card bole la..nk card camtu, dia saja rajin buat...
untuk i???
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