Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Yeahhh We Have The Same Breakfast!


Woweeeee. Haritu si Adibah tiba-tiba message “Wow kak cinoi jadi cover photo Herbalife International” Blurr lagi masa tu Zero to hero Day 1 (24th August 2013)

Rupanya di facebook Herbalife International.

Herbalife International

Wohoooo bestnyaa. HAHAHA. My pic terpilih bersama pic orang lain di seluruh dunia yang bersarapan sama dengan. Eh apa punya ayat. Dan persamaan kami ialah we are all PHD – Proud.Herbalife.Distributor. 

Spot Samantha Clayton!! Wewwit!!

Siapa Samantha Clayton?
Olympian, Personal trainer, Fitness expert, Fitness model, Mother of triplets plus 1.

Ok Bye.

Want to be part of the extraordinary team?
Contact 017-7000171

1 comment:

Lina said...

wah gitu..dlm 887k kan tetiba gmbr cinoi, bertudung pula tuh..congrats cinoi!

how addicted i am to blogging

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