Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Le Crayyy-Zehhh


Salam and hello everyone. So today is the last day of working this month right (for the Sabahan). As for myself, I only work 1 day this week which is today. Yeah I can smell awesomeness. 30th and 31st cuti kaamatan, 1st June sambung cuti (sudah approved), sampai la Sunday 3rd June. Cannot wait to go back to hometown tomorrow. Kinda penat sudah di KK yang hectic, jem dan shopping minggu-minggu ni. (Pandai penat juga rupanya)

Sebenarnya, ini point sebenar entry ni, I mahu share this 1 crazy video that I found just recently in Tiub Awak.

How To Dance In The Club

HAHAHAAH. Bongoknya dia nih. Paling best The Handbag (LV ??) hahaha


Sekejap, ada lagi sambungan dia, How To Dance In The Club 2

Dan yang paling baru

Hahaha. Aku paling tableh blah tengok muka mamat ni bah. Hahahaha. Saitan betul. Gayanya lucu banget. Lagipun I find it’s true! Bongok bah muka dia ni.

This reminds me of our not-so-good old days. How crazy we were back then. Hahaaha melihatkan video(s) di atas, mengingatkan aku, ada di antara nya style orang yang aku kenal. Hahaha. The Fist Pump, The Double Fist Pump, The Towel, The Exhausted (Jay ? hahaha), The Party Pooper pun hada who the same person is The Chairman hahaha, and The Pout ? HAHAAHAHAH. Guess which one is me?? BAhaha Ssshhh if you know.

I am glad that the ‘zaman’ was finally over. Our last party was last New Year (2011 to 2012 new year eve) refer HERE, dan masa tu pun macam “bosan je”, me and Jay realized that night, that we are too old for that. Partying in the club was so last year. Sudah tidak “in” lagi. Looking back on how much money we’ve spent (cried), and berapa banyak dosa that we’ve done (cry a river). Penat sudah. We had enough. Not to “gebang” but masa tu timbul lah salah satu azam kami tahun ini, to leave those behind. Nasihat aku untuk yang masih lagi, kamu akan menyesal nanti, fikir baik-baik dalam-dalam, apa gunanya semua itu. Yeah it is true, if you never make mistake, you never make discovery. BUT, 1st time is a mistake, 2nd time is a choice. So discover faster, kalau boleh after the 1st time discover sudah. HAHA.

I remember we did a session at a club like few months ago, kami tamahu sebenarnya, tapi a friend come from far, and it is kind of hard to explain that we’ve “cuci tangan” so I think, we will just go and let the friend see himself, that me and Jay are not “in” anymore. The result? Jay boleh tertidur sebab kinda kebosanan and I was just playing with my Ipad. Lepas tu tiada ajakan sudah. Haha.

I am also thankful that kebanyakan kami are settling down this year Alhamdulillah, that we start new, leave crazy bad things behind. InsyaAllah. We are still learning and refreshing what we’ve learnt but did not practice before. Learning is something continuous. So yeah, it’s kinda works like that now. It’s a refreshing 5 months so far.

Di kesempatan ini juga (tiba-tiba bagi ucapan), I want to wish my the-fist-pump, the-double-fist-pump, the-towel friend congratulation on his wedding. Berjaya memotong aku dan Jay sebanyak 3bulan awal, haha. I am happy that you are married, that you are what you are now, and we both are happy for you, and cannot wait for our turn, and I am happy for what we decide at the beginning of this year.

Lastly, I will never forget the fist pump and the towel and The Exhausted! HAHAHAAHAHHA.

Spread the laughter people. And never judge. Dia takcakap takbermakna dia takbuat. Or dia cakap takbermakna dia buat or buat lagi. or vice versa.

(Entry ni awalnya ringan aku rasakan sekarang berat pula, hehe)



Cinoi xo


Dayz J said...

I got what u meant. aku rasa fasa kita ni fasa settle-down. yang crazy thing done before tu sudah tidak in lagi. some leave it behind, learnt a lesson (maybe?), but some just cannot go through it. Macam stuck di fasa 'gila'. Masing-masing punya pilihan, bukan tidak dinasihat, tapi mungkin dia memilih tidak mendengar nya. Kalau tidak buat salah, tidak akan tahu kan. Hehe

Misya Mialen said...

noi, dulu aku pun pun gila2 jg sm kwn2 aku;) tp, skrg bila semua sdh kawen, gila2 pun kurang sdh noi;) klu diingat masa dulu2 mmg kita akan fikir byk kali kenapa kita begini dan begini kan;)

beaty said...

happy holiday!!!

wah sempoi n muka x malu bh tu budak dalam video noi..

nonny said...

oh my sakit dada aku ketawa tgk video2 tu tau.mukaknya tu bah adoi. LV bag?dan yaaaa paling diingati laitu fist pump/dbl fist pump and towel tuh..adeih..

Anonymous said...

tekena betul dihatiku Cinoi bah. ntah kenapa.. tapernah pergi tp kuat imaginasiku. HAHA..

Naz Al Yahya said...

lama nda singgah sini. adedeh...punyala ni mamat, bersungguh dia wat video. apa dia pi rakam kali gelagat org di club.haha

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