Saturday, February 19, 2011

How's your Saturday people?

Setiap kali Jumaat malam, aku rasa berdebar-debar, ke'excited'an memuncak. Satu sebab, aku memang suka Friday night, satu lagi sebab the next day is Saturday.

Bagi aku Saturday ada lah hari untuk melakukan sesuatu yang seronok. Berkobar-kobar aku semangat dengan hari Sabtu. Mesti mau ada plan yang separa serius, atau pun buat apa saja spontaneous.

Usually, Sabtu aku kerja half day. After work mesti lah aku tidak mau untuk terus balik ke rumah kan. Sebabnya mesti melakukan sesuatu, iaitu jalan-jalan.

Either tengok wayang, oh it is a typical things to do on Saturday but I think almost everyone pun suka tengok wayang hari sabtu, theatre is like crazy full. Or maybe, karaoke. Oh ini aktiviti wajib, mesti karaoke. Tapi kalau masih siang, sabtu mesti makan di tempat yang menyeronokkan ala-ala best la. Tengok wayang. Then, shopping. Kalau dapat shopping hari sabtu macam heaven gila, tidak shopping pun tidak apa, window shopping pun cukup. Yang penting mesti penuhkan hari Sabtu tu tanpa duduk di rumah, selagi masih bujang neh.

Do you guys feel the way I feel to Saturday. Its like kalau duduk di rumah saja, boleh kena sawan babi perhaps. Atau datang penyakitku kalau tidak keluar. Dasar kaki jalan kan, very the typical of me. Kadang-kadang sampai bingung, mau buat ni la tu la, macam mau buat semuanya. Its like owhh mai God its saturdayyyy, I gotta do something fun!! (Unless am broke, that's other story, sekarang konsep cerita ialah ketika I am not really broke okay)

Tapi harini, lepas kerja half day, which I spent by only watching True Blood series at the office because boss wasn't around and I have no task to be done, aku pergi lunch di Wan Wan (1 of my favourite place to eat), then aku balik rumah! Weird huh. Aku plan balik sekejap jak, tapi aku tertidur!! Demmit. Like seriously tidur (sebab last night aku kurang tidur dan siap mimpi ngeri lagi wadehel). Aku bangun the clock was almost half past five!! Bangun, keluar, beli ice cream dan makan ice cream. I hope I have better things to do.

So tonight, either I go karaoke, or play golf at the driving range, and MUST go lepak in any cool place (now laugh u) with my friends. Lepak yang must go punya activity, and karaoke & golf tu optional, additional activity la. If, and only if, I don't go partying, or watch Saturday night live band. Staying at home on Saturday night is clearly not an option.

So what do you guys do today or you usually do on your Saturday? Anything u like to share??
Semua ni very the typical of me!

Ok. Happy Saturday everone! Have a great one!

Owh by the way (tiada kaitan dengan cerita di atas), I can accept if people want to criticize, or comment, or suggest, because I usually don't give a damn of what shit people say if I aint like it, least I can do is think about it la, like think for a while ;p ...
BUT, I do not take orders from anyone, orders that sound like "sekarang kamu buat ini bla bla bla" or "kamu betulkan ini blablabla" like u have a fuckin buku panduan for blogging,like a cikgu or like u've been awarded as the blogger-of-the-world-u've-been-blogging-longer-than-anyone-u-are-the-best-u-can-tell-people-what-to-their-blog! Actually i removed the badge after i receive that komen berbentuk arahan lagi, before thet reviewed my blog. Even redmummy, the blogger jutawan rupiah tu tak pernah suruh aku tukar template (as said on her email to me)
Fuhhhh. See, penyakit aku keluar kalau I don't do something fun on Saturday after work, oh I just shouldn't sleep until 5pm tadi till I suddenly spit this out ha ha.

Bye beautiful people!! Kalau kamu baca sampai habis kamu memang batu (rock)

Cinoi xo
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis


Sheila said...

yeay.. aku sekali lagi batu!.. batu yang pertama lagi.

Eh.. sapa yang suruh ko tukar2 template..? ok bah ni..plain..senang baca kalau ko tulis berjela-jela..hehehe

beaty said...

berjela jua ko tulis cinoi...adeiii..ahahah sa pun selalu jalan sama fiance sa lepas kerja ari sabtu..jalan2 cari pasal..kalo terus balik rumah mesti bosan gilaw owhhh

Cinoi Lavigne said...

tahniah Sheila. nantilah aku buat contest, yg menang jd Batu pertama dpt hadiah wahahaha

ya berjela saya tulis blogging pki fon jak ni.

beaty said...

Buli tahan ko tulis berjela2 ow...

anyway sa tag ko contest

Cinoi Lavigne said...

Sok sy buat ah

how addicted i am to blogging

thank you for dropping by

hope u enjoy reading and do come again