Wednesday, March 31, 2010

random [music] -yang paling otai di malaysia

tahu tak Cinoi suka Search, Amy Search, dan lagu-lagu mereka. percaya atau tidak bolos saja dinding itu memang saya suka! hahahaha. gila rock kapak kan. im a universal listener, i listen to all types of music, as long as best, sedap, boleh layan.

tiba-tiba sebab terbaca entry ini

astagaaa bestnyaaa. ingat tak hari tu, Search ada buat tour, Celcom taja kot. ada buat dekat Sandakan and Tawau juga, kalau tidak silap dekat KK tiada. but i missed the concert, sebab masa tu i fly pergi Kl, ticket flight pergi Kl dah awal beli dah. Konsert Search Di Awan Biru kalau tidak silap saya la. last year kot. rugiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

setiap kali pergi karaoke, WAJIB nyanyi lagu Search oke. wajib. kalau tak dapat nyanyi semua, pilih juga lagu-lagu dia, and paksa my guy friends nyanyi HAHAHAHAHAHA. im a big fan youuuuu.

sekarang, mungkin tiada lagi konsert oleh Search (full band). kesian saya. so kalau dapat tengok Amy Search saja pun, perform live, saya sudah sangat bersyukur dan teruja. part of my wish list ni. otaii tuuuu.

ok. tu sahaja mahu bagitahu. esok saya cerita lagi. babai.



Cinoi xo.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

You can never be old and wise, if you were never young and crazy

ra ra ra ra ra ramma ram mam maa ga ga ohh la laa~~


akhirnya berjaya mendapatkan

Picture 010

sungguh puas bukan, berhasil mendapatkan apa yang di ingin. alhamdulillah. lalalala


this post was actually delayed for almost two weeks, got this bb on March 15th ;) the 1st week is sakai week of the year, sebab tak reti ini itu semua gagagaga baru belajar la konon. banyak tanya Totin and Aizu. semua benda nak tanya! hahahahaha

7 was delayed because i haven’t got a name for him (yes my bb is a he), until yesterday, i finally came up with a name. ok tipu. i came up with two names, which i haven’t choose yet, either RARA, or CIRA.

i think of RARA 1st, why? because lately i love to ra ra ra ra ra ram ma mam ma ahh ga ga ohh laa laa~~~ so why not name it as RARA, but then, all my stuff are named after the initial letter of my name, C. my nikon- Chiqi, my anak patung that i slept with since forever- Choco, my lappy – Chyvil, etc. so if i named him (the bb) Rara, nanti macam anak tiri pula, keshian dia. but still i love the Rara name.

hmm. why i have to choose when i can have both *wink

so today, i excitedly happily named him Cira @ Rara !! o yeah!! gagagaga. so everybody, say hai to Rara @ Cira!!! can call him Rara or Cira, both accepted. it works like my name, official name is Sri, but people call me Cinoi (i want to make Cinoi official juga sebenarnya), so his official name is Cira, but i will/can call him Rara ok? ihihihih.  Picture 003.


ok. itu saja nak cakap. habis.



Cinoi xo

p/s: tiba tiba rindu Ahmad. siapa Ahmad? gitar kapuk. bye.

Monday, March 29, 2010

birthday combo




Adik ipar Cinoi, Roshamimah 25 March1

from left: adik saya – Abang |Cinoi | isteri Abang-Roshamimah


Adik (adik bongsu) 26 March




Nephew-Muhd Iqhwan Idi 28 MArch



birthday Adik dan Roshamimah adalah disambut serentak pada Sabtu malam yang lepas, sekali dengan majlis pertunangan tersebut ;) Muka kedua-dua adik lelaki saya (Abang dan Adik) agak berbeza kan? Saya tak tahu kenapa Adik boleh jadi hitam gelap selepas membesar ni, dulu, Adik la yang paling comel, kalau tengok balik gambar Adik masa kecil, ya rabbi tidak  percaya dan tidak mahu percaya. Berbeza sangat-sangat seperti kalau Adik mengaku sekarang yang itu gambar dia masa kecil, bisa polis heret pergi balai sebab cobaan menipu. hahaha. sanggat berbeza yang amat. oh ya, Cinoi tiada adik perempuan :) tiba-tiba mahu bagitahu. ah biarlah. yang penting saya tiada adik perempuan. kakak yang ramai saya ada ;)


Iwan tidak dapat celebrate birthday dia sekali sebab currently mereka dekat negeri orang. Kesian Kakak Hazline dan husband dan anak-anak tidak berkesempatan balik hometown sama-sama meraikan.

Apapun Happy birthday Adik, Ummi (Roshamimah), and Iwan, may God bless all of you, semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, jadi anak yang baik. hmm hmm. tu saja. entry ini berakhir di sini. adios.



Cinoi xo

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Live diary from sandakan

Eyyo bloggers n readers.
Lama sudahhh tak jenguk blog kann.
Went back to hometown last friday (26th) 1st flight to sandakan in the morning. Sampai saja rumah, teros busy. Berbual panjang dengan mommy and daddy, tolong mommy d dapor. Gila lama sudah tak balik. The last time was hari raya aidilfitri hari tu.

until the next day,saturday,busy for the engagement preparation. Bangun seawal 7 pagi hohoho di dapor mentolong apa yang patut. While busy, tiba-tiba dengar bunyi mic and karaoke dekat living hall, teros lari keluar, layan karoke. Maka tinggal lah segala bawang, ayam dan udang di dapor. Sekian.Lucky ada aunts, cousins, and mommy yang hebat. Lepas karaoke teros bantai tidur on the couch. Bangun at 2.30pm, kelam kabut kena pergi pick up kek yang sudah order, pergi salon, then pergi body shop untuk mekap.

The majlis pada malam hari went well. After selesai majlis formal, the whole family sambung berparty, karaoke and tari menari. Gila awesome. Everything settle at 2.30am. Penat and mengantuk tapi berbaloi-baloi. Sebab sudah lama tiada family gath. I misses all those.

Harini makan tidur sedang lepak tea time dengan Mom,Dad, Sis Lyne, Kay, Mak Abah kay, and adik.

Tomorrow 1st flight to KK, and then teros pergi kerja.hopefully tak banyak kerja, so boleh jalan-jalan blog. Haha okay tipu gila tak banyak kerja lepas 3 hari cuti. Confirm gila. Bye. See u guys around.

Cinoi xo

Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Quick update

Heyy.I'm blogging frm under my blanket.why? Because I can.

Bought baju kurung tadi after work.not the one that I want,but still look nice.the one that I want was already sold out.ppfffttt
Sampai saja rumah try the baju kurung laju-laju sambil excited. And baru 7minit try, dua bijik manik fell off dush!!

And tiba2 terfikir, the other baju that I tried d butik tadi is also niceeee.menyesal amek gambar pki bb td masa dekat dalam fitting room (sssshhhh),sekarang duk tengok the baju in the pic and rasa keinginan yang membuak-buak. Takkan boleh tukar dengan yang dah purchased ni kan. let's together we pray that tomorrow I won't visit the boutique again, and purchase it (its a kebaya).

Tomorrow,housemate will go back to hometown, will be home alone, again, tomorrow night. Hmmmp

That's all I think.
Hmmmpp currently missing someone badly.mood dipengaruh oleh lagu yang sedang didengari dush!!

Kepada kamu-kamu kesayangan(s) cinoi sekalian.wherever you are, do take note that cinoi love and miss all of you, GBU.

Cinoi xo

Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

i have to do what i have to do

sekali sekala elok juga perkara begini, secara tidak langsung menambah knowledge.

hmmp. tapi banyak gilaaaaaa. ouch. huh huh. i should just let the person in charge do his job, tapi i can’t resist untuk ambil tahu. thats okay, extra knowledge.



information theft



woahh. sudah sampai section 25, Moral Rights.

“....bla bla bla..affecting the author’s honour or reputation”

oke this is seriously banyak gila nak baca like wtf dulu masa belajar biologi pun malas baca, sejarah pun malas baca, ini lagi sangat di luar bidang saya tapi ingin menyebok dengan the person in charge yang sangat bersabar dengan saya hahahaha saya tak dibayarrr ponnn tidak mengapa, membaca amalan mulia. jangan malas!

few more chapter ni..yang manaaa ni nak baca dulu . dush.

bye. kena ambil tahu banyak-banyak, tak boleh serahkan kepada Encik person-in-charge semata-mata.  Akta Hasutan 1948, Kanun Keseksaan dan Akta Komunikasi 1998 menunggu untuk dibaca juga. ehh dengan Akta Fitnah juga. gila la orang ni memang hebat.

eh jap.

on the other news, just now boss already approved my leave! yeay!!!

my  flight ticket is also confirmed. another yeay!!

thanks to my beloved sisters for the fund. owe all of you a lot. mind you, i have 4 elder sisters.

lets make a real deal. big enough untuk main permainan budak-budak sepanjang masa. sungguh tak comel sekali heyypp.


Cinoi xo

Monday, March 22, 2010

not just another photographer with a black strap


it is a Hot Pink Leopard DSLR strap, i googled in the internet.

i really really really seriously really want this, i mean for Chiqi. been searching for this since January, its kinda impossible to get it here in KK, which i don't think i will find any of these, or even similar. i want it so bad.

where did i found this? (the strap in the picture). it is in a Canada online shop. (@&#@%$&*#

kesiannyaaa. penat saya google cari di Malaysia punya tapi tak jumpa. so my dear friends or anyone reading this, tolongggg la if you guys know anywhere near kl ka or any part in semenanjung, singapore ka, yang menjual fashionable DSLR strap, please please let me know.ingin sangat-sangat like i will kill for this ;p or if u guys mahu bagi sebagai hadiah untuk saya pun boleh saya terima rezeki jangan ditolak musuh jangan dicari kecuali musuh yang mencari kita, kita cari dia balik hahahahaha. kalau yang tidak serupa dengan yang dalam gambar ini pun tidak mengapa, as long as it is not a standard nikon black strap. if not pink pun tidak mengapa, RED pun ok. PINK or RED la. if not leopard pun tidak mengapa. eeheeeee. okay? okay? tak kan la tiada langsung di Malaysia yang maju ni.

thanks in advance!



Cinoi soon-not-just-another-photographer-with-a-black-strap

Friday, March 19, 2010

a promise to myself


*picture taken last week on 11.55pm. oily face after a whole awesome day out.


think I'm over spent this month.

like seriously over spent., strictly no shopping in April.

unless its important stuff..hmm..ok no unless. shopping are strictly prohibited.



Cinoi xo

p/s: u guys must have heard a saying says “promise are made to be broken” aite? hehehehe

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

enter a post title


(ok gila sendiri intro ketawa sendiri)

kemarin Cinoi ada blogging dekat wordpress dia.

yang pasal apa terjadi sejak 22January 2010, pasal kekecohan yang ditimbulkan orang-orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab. soo kalau mahu passwordnya, boleh terus minta dengan Cinoi sendiri, ym atau fb atau SMS atau apa-apa la. okey??

and urm kalau ada sesiapa ingin minta maaf, bukan melalui chatbox blog ini ok. i want u guys to blog it out in your blog, minta maaf secara terbuka, kalau tak reti sangat nanti aku bagi format meminta maaf. hahahahaha. and tak payah la nak suruh aku cool ka chill ka, tak payah nak ajar aku la, kau uruskan diri kau sendiri, kau nak mitna maaf ka, nak mengaku semua apa yang kau buat ka, tapi jangan nak campur pasal aku, tak payah nak suruh-suruh aku. rude gila kau.

and urm kalau ada yang tertanya-tanya, kenapa entry di blogspot ni ada juga di wordpress tu, sebab wordpress tu untuk backup. i pernah dengar ura-ura mengatakan blogspot ni pandai jadi bengong hilang entry kau semua adoiii sayangnya kalau begitu. so i open a wordpress blog, and i import semua isi blog dari sini. just in case ;p tapi macam agak redundant kan. layan jak la.

tu saja la. bye sayang.


Cinoi xo

Monday, March 15, 2010

3 tahun laa!!~~

last saturday, kak nani ajak keluar, but i refused sebab perlu berhangoutan dengan rakan sebaya. hahahaha. lepas ai cakap namao join, terussss laaa Kak Nani update status begini. status memancing saya! hahahahaa. kak nani Kak Nani balas komen “..budak2 (spt dlm gmbar wall paper)..”

dush! wall paper mana plakk ni. rupanya she was talking pasal gambar profile! hahahaahhaah. budak-budak tak tahu levis katanya. dush. owhh sebab saya menggunakan gambar wallpaper profile seorang kanak-kanak 3tahun pada 22tahun yang lepas. lihat ni lihat.

b diri kek

sudah lihat? tamau lihat boleh tekan X di sebelah atas sebelah kanan window ini ok! tiada paksaan pun!




Cinoi xo

2 gorgeous mom & 1 english teacher



sheila11 March 1985

Sheila Marie Gilbert, a beautiful mother to a beautiful daughter, Arianna, a beautiful wife to Encik Kedek (sorry darl im not used to his full name Zainuddin), a daughter, a sister, a friend, a career woman ;p



po13 March 1985

Azrani Azmi @ Po, an undergrad English teacher. a son to a young and gorgeous mother (yes Aunty Azizah sangat muda remaja gitu), a boyfie to a great girlfriend Norazaninah, a brother, a friend.



amy 17 March 1985

Amy Melissa Arman, hot and gorgeous mom to a handsome and smart boy, Abang, a wife to Hafiz, a daughter, a sister, a friend.

i wish you guys the best in life, and after life. May Allah s.w.t bless all of you, your family, and friends, may all your dreams come true because you guys deserve it. Stay young (of course you all are). Lots of love, hug and kisses from me. i love you. friends forever. i mean it. haha.



Cinoi xo


p/s: all picture are stolen from their respective fb. hahahaha

Friday, March 12, 2010

melompat lebih tinggi


DSC_1743  38


seronok kan?



Cinoi xo

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

some things are better left unsaid

DSC_1027 yoshhh. eyyo eyyo everybody. hows evrybody doin?? this is seriously random okeyyy.

  1. joined Mimi’s pre-wed photo shoot last two Sunday. it was tiring but awesome. if you are not prepared to get dirty, panjat bukit, masuk hutan, pijak pasir, don’t dream of any nice outdoor photo shoot. i learned a lot of things, as from becoming a photographer, to a photo shoot director and even being a model. i want to be all. yes. tamak. 1 8 35 DSC_3396
  2. we found out that Naim Firdaus have a crush on Llew ;p naim tend to malu-malu when Llewellyn is coming. and the usual laju gila main mata Naim become slow-motion main mata from him when it comes to Llewellyn. (note that Naim is my 1 and a half year old nephew, and Llewellyn is my bff)DSC_4214
  3. i have a target (ok tipooo, actually few) with my 100(s) and with my sister’s help, i’ll be getting the first aim soon. will blog about it once i managed to get it.
  4. i think i should shop for working attire. soon.
  5. i haven’t order the cupcake for Sis Lyne’s engagement, which i promised her i will, and the engagement is in two weeks time. eh do you know my sis is getting engaged with my bestfriend in college? isn’t that awesome?
  6. and ohhh, haven’t bought baju to wear on Sis Lyne’s engagement! dush. take note take note.
  7. if i said don’t, i mean do not! but if you still do, then you have to pay for it. yes YOU! sekarang kita tengok siapa yang terkedu, gelabah tetek, melalak tak tentu pasal. nak maen kasar sangat kan.
  8. We (me, po, n llew) met our long lost high school friend, Roshidi, last friday, with his gf, lepaking until 3 in the morning. he’s still handsome. eh no, even more handsome kot, since last i saw him. his gf is cute ;pDSC_1072
  9. we the girls, are going outing for kain hunting, for Mimi’s wedding in June. we’ll have a same kain but different style of kebaya/baju kurung. i wonder what my style of baju will be. i only have ‘something transparent’ in mind right now.
  10. ok dah banyak sangat dah. bye dulu. muah. and ohh, my weekly activity seems so boom boom pow lately. hahaha. hell what the meaning is. DSC_1055


Cinoi xo

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


1st try2nice one! i like this pic, except for my invisible leg. photographer should’ve move the angle a bit,  so nampak my kaki yang ke belakang tu. anywany thanks Miss Photogapher! you are awesome for a beginner.


2nd try3

buroks buroks. hahahaha.



3rd try4 awesome! i love i love i heart. except for my cacat right hand, i love everything in the above pic. credit to the photographer. sometimes i wanna be the photgrapher, sometimes the model. nak jadi apa ni.

ok bye.

eh jap.

boleh tak tolong bagi tips untuk menguruskan peha, perut dan pipi. bye!


notakakitangan: my 1 and a half year old nephew, Naim Firdaus, have a crush on her (the Miss Photographer) i will reveal her soon.


Cinoi xo

Monday, March 1, 2010

tangan bangku

bila sampai tahap begini, aku sedar handwriting aku sangat buruk. benci la. macam budak sekolah rendah baru belajar menulis pakai pencil.

dan juga, ternyata, budak engineering memang tidak kreatif. walaupun aku perempuan. susahnya menghasilkan hasil-hasil kecil, seni, comel. sangat tidak kreatif. tanganku sangat keras, mungkin akibat kerja angkat simen kot. gagagaga



Cinoi xo

how addicted i am to blogging

thank you for dropping by

hope u enjoy reading and do come again