Wednesday, May 21, 2008

An Important-that's-juz-wasting-mytime Notice To Unimportant Person

Anything n everything in this blog are mine

And anyone have no right to copy anything from here

If you do make my blog as a reference,do credit to my blog

Atau dalam bahasa melayu

Sila jgn meniru atau mencuri apa2 info atau maklumat dr blog saya

Jika anda mnjadikan blog saya sbgai rujukan, sila kredit blog saya

Cth : "ini dipetik dari blog"

myspace layouts

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I'm Ready To Go

saya dah siap packing dan ini hasilnya
Sekejap lagi saya pergi

girls day out

me and all the netballers went out shopping today.. the main reason we are out today is to shop for pants..track bottom..for the tournament.. and the sampingan..ada yang beli new sport shoes la..tu la...

*inilah dia akhirnya telah berjaya membuat keputusan*

*cek jahitan seluar..and cek duit kat wallet*

*we get free traveling bag and mug* not more than 1hour, kitorg akan berkumpul..untuk bertolak ke Senai airport...awal gile kan...flight pukul7 pagi esok...lepak la kat airport malam ni..huhuhu..

last training before the take-off

i had a training session today...the last training here la..before the take-off mana??hah..tunngguuuuu..

i managed to snap some pictures during the training...sempatkan saja la...

enjoy the pixes..

and di bawah ni gambar tambahan..betapa court netball kitorang ada banyak garisan..because it is a multi-purpose court..for netball, handball and futsal...

Friday, May 16, 2008

kanak-kanak memahaminya

iwan: aunty noi..iwan pun mau la camtu..nanti aunty noi tlg iwan buat ya..

cinoi: buat apa??

iwan: blog la..iwan pun mau ada blog jugak..mcm aunty noi tu..


and this is iwan
iwan yang kecil tau..bukan yang besar..hahahaha

kecil-kecil lagi dah pandai ingin ber'blog

Thursday, May 15, 2008

semakin hampir


i can't wait for tomorrow, this weekend, and next week...

tidak lama lagi...

yesterday i went to the project site which the company i work with are the main contractor for the is a projek membina dan menambah blok bangunan sekolah...

i check the progress..and see if the labour are doing it right or not...under spec or not..

haih..seb baik sekejap saja..and nasib bek cuaca tidak panas..mendung2 sedap sahaja..hikhik..

i only managed to take few pixes..because i was busy belajar marah org..wahahaha..

nanti2 la i upload the pixes kan..lagipon gmbar construction site je pon..

ada lagi few sites..tapi jauh..kat cherating..buat jalan..x larat gue...

dah..chau sin chi...trus balik ke ofis lepas pegi 1 site sahaja..

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

friends say

below are the messages (sms) from my friends and beloved one, when i leave last week..i leave like twice..hehe..because i first leave when my sister come to pick me up..secondly after i came back to Johor after 2days of working..these are the unforgettable messages i received...touching gile..wahahahaha

"loh nape plak takut.u takut esk u nk blk ek.xpe b.i ada.sntiasa ada dgn u"

"k lah, bye..dh2, jngn nangis..haha"

"SAHABAT..Bkn1 tp bribu, bkn smntara tp slmanye, bkn tuk dimusuhi tp disygi, bkn utk dilupai tp diingati, bkn hnya disini tapi di mana2..bkn stakat ini tp hgga ujung nyawa"

"beb, see aku x nanges pun td.sebok dalang je..hahaha..thanx for everything..u r such a great fren i ever had..i love u.."

"huhu..jage diri mu tu word can best describe us rite now..EMPTY..who gonna fill it?no one..huhu"

"sedih syg.pas2 ni da pyh jmp i tau.mmg mcm ni pun.bleh tau skuat mane jodoh kita nnt.mntk2 kuat la kan.xde calon2.hehe"

"sedihnya.semlm masa kuar bli air i da sayu da, tgk tgkap bilik pun sama.tgk ruma dh ksong sedih je rasa"

"nnti ade mase jmpe lg erk.jgn nanges tau....mmuaahh..syg ko"

gile ah ding dong

i was happy when i'm back to Johor last week

and i am still happy by now

because, i took the last week opportunity, to go back with syauqi, to his home..ya..ya..i had a chat with his Emak, and i even overnight there..hihi *malu* hikhikhik.. *malu lagi*

so far, everything is going smooth..amin..

i'm looking forward to stay much longer there..and also to book 2ticket to sabah...

saya masih ada lagi! saya ada!

huh..its a record..last post was on May 7th..and the following post is just today, May 14th..wallawey!!

i bet u guys now how addicted i am to blogging (84 %)...i once told myself that i don't want to missed blogging everyday..but look at this 'besawang' blog...huhuhuh..seperti tiada penghuni..sangat sedih....

ini disebabkan oleh

  1. saya sudah mula ber'praktikal minggu lepas
  2. selepas baru 2hari bekerja (isnin & selasa), Rabu pula cuti Hari Hol, saya bergegas ke Batu Pahat..hihihi...saya berada di sana sehingga la Ahad malam
  3. kemudian saya bertolak balik malam tu, isnin pukul 4 pagi baru sampai
  4. isnin terus pergi bekerja, dalam keadaan yang amat mengantuk, Bos pula ada sepanjang hari, Project Manager pun ada juga..haiya...
hah....kinda busy ..i don't have much time and lagipun the place that i stayed in Parit Raja doesn't have an internet

i felt sleepy and tired every night after work, tak larat betul nak blog, lagipun my bro-in-law is using this pc...just for this moment, sudah tiada halangan lagi, tidak berapa penat, tidak mengantuk, line clear (hehehe), and no one is using this pc...

i think thats all for now...briefly about my missing in action...hohohoho

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

a boring world of working!!!

i dah start industrial training..

yesterday..semalam thought of blogging..but didn't..

because i am damn tired and sleepy...

my 1st day is ok..the big boss is not in..just the head of my department, En.Hud which is big boss' brother..

kak reen welcomed me..she is the 1st i met when i arrived there...

nothing much..yesterday i only did a job, BQ..

today only 2 job..and all the free time i use to do my thesis..

1st day:

En. Hud: are u serious..u wanted to be an engineer..kene blajar dimaki and memaki..and, tomorrow xyah pki baju kurung

me: owh..this is my 1st day..what do u think should i wear..(cakap dalam hati je) *smile*


big boss: hah..u..orang baru..come...lets make some introduction...

big boss: owh..ur name..macam artis..

me: bla..bla..bla..

big boss: bla..blaa...bla..

and the conversation is just a normal 1st-time-met usual, people talk more on my name..and my origin...

when he walked out the door, he stop by

big boss: by the way, do u smoke??

me: .....erk..........???

big boss: don't worry yourself..there is no FEMALE-CANNOT-SMOKE written on cigarettes box..

me: (ternganga)..ok sir!

done..nothing much happen today and just an ordinary 1st day...i had a meeting with the managing director, the head of my department and the secretary...

and today, i received a bad news too...huhuhuhuh..tell u later kay..daa....

Sunday, May 4, 2008

industrial training

i'll start my industrial training (LI) tomorrow
i hope it'll fill in the emptiness
and i wish that everything goes well tomorrow..


i hate this feeling..
why it should be like this...

Saturday, May 3, 2008


i'm not quite sure what to blog actually..
i never thought it is this hard

all my housemate already left ..
i am the only one who is still here
i'm not done with my packing yet
i feel like i don't have any strength to leave all this behind
it is such a memory..a 4 years memory...

the other 2 rooms are empty already..
but my room is still like usual condition..
and sis lyn is few hours away..maybe she is in Segamat already.
she'll come to pick me up here...

ouwh..i hate this feeling...
i am glad that it is all over, and finally i can graduate after a 4 years struggling..
but i feel empty inside..damn...

i walk around this empty house, but i can still hear the sound of it..
its our voice, its us, i can still feel it..

cheerish every moment of it

well, me and syauqi had a date last nite.. wasn't a farewell date, we will never have one.. its just a last date as a student..hehehehe... i know i am gonna miss him.. and he is no longer live next door... tiada lagi die menjenguk ke tingkap bilik... tiada lagi dia menghulurkan chrysanthemum tea dari tingkap bilik.. tiada lagi pergi ke mamak tengah2 malam yang sepi-pi-pi..

tiada lagi pertolongan dalam apa jua perkara, dari yang kecil2..hinggalah yang besar2..

we are another step further for the journey of our life...and i think both us are ready for that...

i don't know what i am gonna do, without him helping me in everything..

banyak yang tiada lagi lepas ini..
but our love still stay the same...

Happy Hour 2


after the 1st Happy Hour last Thursday, i experienced a 2nd Happy Hour.. the one that i said 'next activity' tu was my housemate and my jiran keluar, main boling.makan2..and celebrate evon's birthday... and i bowled twice in one day (thursday)...and sampai sekarang lenguh-lenguh, sakit badan..but we had a great fun...which will remain in my memory....
i don't write much here about this, because all are written HERE

"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is before you can meet again. And meeting again after a moment or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends."

Friday, May 2, 2008

sedikit bangga

this is a conversation about the karaoke session at the final year grand dinner the other day

* gemilang by jaclyn victor

kerana sahabat

a touched conversation happened last night before the sesumpah dan tersumpah berangkat

najib: ko balik bile cinoi?
Cinoi: sabtu ni
najib: ko kosongkan rumah pastu sarra nak duk mane??
cinoi: ntah la.tgh pk la ni

ajim: eh..kelantan? (smbil menunjuk ke arah najib)
cinoi: la najib

ajim: kelantan mane??
najib: pasir nak balik ganu ke?
ajim: tak r..melaka..aku keje sane
najib: oo..camtu...

Najib: xpe..suh sarra duk umah Murni
ajim: cinoi..susah hati gak..sarah camne nanti ko xde

najib: xpe..aku ade je kat sini sepanjang mase..sepanjang mase..pape hal aku ade..xpe, degil je aku tarik rambut...jgn risau la..ape2 hal ade aku...

aku terkesima, memandang dengan perasaan terharu..aku pk, thats what friends are for
ajim memandang sahaja, kelihatan seperti dengan perasaan yang kosong, mungkin bercampur baur di otaknye...

i wish i can do something...................................

dia datang lagi

lagi-lagi peminat..

pagi-pagi dah kecoh...

get a life la wey!!

Happy Hour

Labour Day

look who drove all the way from Malacca....


honk!! honk!!

menjenguk ke luar tingkap bilik

BHP ada di hadapan rumahku

apa tunggu lagi...

bagi masa kat diorang rest jap..

lets go...

just let the pixes tells the stories okay!

thanx ajim and min,
for the treat (KFC), for the bowling, and for all...

then we rushed back home..sebab lepas ni ada aktiviti lagi...

*i'll tell u the next activity on my next entry ke..mesti tak sabar-sabar nak tau kan...

late dinner + burning the memories

viva is, that thursday night, i tried to pack some stuff..but ended up throwing stuffs, a lots of stuff...even i am starving at that time, but no much worry on haven't take the meal yet, because viva is over, final examinations is what is the need of rushing...

1.30 am
just after midnight then we had our meal..a late the nearby warung...sesi
paku-memaku antara satu sama lain berlangsung sambil menikmati makan malam.*hubby was there too, he is the one who took this picture*

right after the late dinner, me and Sarra decided to burn all the old pixes that we wanted to demolished from our life..since we've been throwing stuff all night before the dinner, i told her not to just simply throw the old pixes to the rubbish bin...someone might found it one day here we are, in front of my house, burning the memories away...
*Cinoi and Sarra*

"It is not what you give your friend, but what you are willing to give him that determines the quality of friendship"

at 1st it was only us (me and Sarra) involved in those burning stuff..suddenly the beloved bestest jiran joined is fun the precious moment so much... *Syauqi, Openg, Cinoi, Gejek, Sarah*

we watched the memories burned away...and become ashes.. is not just that..we spent our time, maybe our last moment together by taking lots of pixes..yeah..just a few days more, then we all will be leaving each other... pixes of the cheerleading, the shadow, the album cover, the nusup-nusup (pronounce with kelantanese slang) and lots more..

"Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends whom we choose."


*the cheerleading*

*the FRIENDS FOREVER album cover*

*him & her*

*the cheerleading*

*it is fun having u guys, not just as a neighbour, but a friend, who always being there for me..and it is a rezeki for me that my hubby is one of the colleague...

"Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you"

Thursday, May 1, 2008

pameran poster psm

i am done for the final project pameran poster.. was yesterday...
i wait like 2 and a half hours for my panel to evaluate me..
yes, since i arrived a bit late then everybody, i get the not-so-strategic booth.. which u will find last when u enter the hall.. its ok...*my pinked poster*

thanx Syauqi for being there for me.. he is the one who lekat my poster tau.. and Sarra was there too... i was at the same corner with Shiro and Openg.. well, we are the bestest jiran ever kan.. booth pon nak dekat-dekat jugak...*cepat sikit prepare tu..haih..*

*ya..ya..kami lah orangnya*

*ya..di sini la kami*

only 2 panel evaluated me which is En. Hazreek and Puan Zaihasra (who is replacing Ir. Agus).. En. Amir Khan was absent..tak tau la meks nape...

Shiro pulak his panel was my supervisor, Prof. Madya. Dr. Idrus.. and also Dr. Chan while Openg, En. Yusri and the lec with-the-songkok-i-don't-know-his-name...

below are some of the Q&A session..

En. Hazreek: kamu ni..hmm..semalam baru bagi technical paper..kt luar bilik saya lak tu..macam mane ni saya tak baca lagi...terpaksa u explain sumenya..

: its ok sir, u can read it now..take ur time..when u are ready then we can start the Q&A session.

Dr Chan : Why do use this polimer as an additional material??
Shiro : Sbb sume student under supervision of En. Yusri use TPE...

EN. Hazreek : So do u think i can carry out the same research with other types of soil..

Cinoi : as written in recommendation, which u can see it in my technical paper, i recommend that for further research, other types of soil also preferable...
take a look..see..there, in my technical paper i've mentioned..

Puan Zaihasra: hah..saya evaluate kamu??kenapa saya tak tahu..kalau tak saya habiskan awak sikit student yang saya evaluate tadi tu..
: hmm..saya pun baru tahu yang Puan ganti Ir.Agus...sian Puan dah penat kan..dah pukul 5 ptg dah ni..ramai betul yang Puan evaluate..its ok..its ok..we can make it short..sian Puan (sambil menepuk-nepuk belakang puan-hahaha..what am i doing)
*"mcm ni prof..saye pon xtau la nak ckp ape ni..wolf wolf"*

and ada lagi question which En.Hazreek ask me i answer with " is in my technical paper..u can see it there"

hmm..i know, so many question were answered with not-so-technical answer...lack of preparation kan..but everything goes well jugak..i am glad that it is done...a big claps for myself and us...

di bawah ni acara-acara selingan semasa even tu berlangsung

how addicted i am to blogging

thank you for dropping by

hope u enjoy reading and do come again