Saturday, March 4, 2017
It has been a while
But it is not comvenient anymore since Facebook and instagram. And my lifestyle has changed too. No more sitting on the computer for hours.
UBut i will manage my time and try to spend few minutes here everyday to update what i have been doing nowadays. Everything is just too exciting if u follow my facebook.
Until then now. Bye.
Coach Cinoi
Monday, March 7, 2016
Jom Turun Berat
As a Wellness Herbalife Coach for almost 4 years, setiap hari pun ialah hari JOM TURUN BERAT for me.
But now is different, kita ada new movement. Which this NEW MOVEMENT is now at SEASON 8 already. Iaitu WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE ONLINE - WLCO
So tidak kira di mana berada jauh mahupun dekat, kami boleh bantu untuk turun berat, semuanya online, whatsapp, wechat, facebook, instagram, video call. We want to reach every people's liFe tidak kisah di mana berada.
And the best thing is, HADIAHNYA CASH, actually that's another thing la, sebab CASH PRIZE ni sebagai MOTIVASI sahaja.
Oh, i guess that is the second best thing, the best thing paling utama is, all the GRAND PRIZE ada 3 tempat semuanya.
Meaning to say, No 1 JUARA top 1-3, Hadiah CASH NAIB JOHAN top 4-6, dan CASH PRIZE ketiga top 7-9. Then saguhati untuk top 10-20. Gilerr kentang awesomenya okay.
What you get besides turun berat dengan adanya COACH, dapat masuk SUPPORT GROUP, where ada few coaches and other contestant there, who will enlighten your day, like every day pagi sampai malam. Plus you get your personalised mealplan and fitness plan, and also a PASSWORD to an online blog, di mana ada rahsia pememang-pemenang season lepas, what did they do, how did they eat and EVERYTHING YOU NEED.
This movement really moved me because, just this season, current season which is Season 8, we have over 300 contestant from all over MALAYSIA, means we touches these 300 people's life, they are going to change to be the best version of themselves INSHAALLAH.
Tak kisah di mana kamu berada di seluruh pelosok Malaysia, SABAH, SARAWAK, JOHOR , MELAKA, NEGERI SEMBILAN, KUALA LUMPUR, PAHANG, TE,RENGGANU, KEDAH, LABUAN, PERAK, PERLIS, PENANG kalau BMI melebihi 23, umur melebihi 18 tahun, nak turun berat sangat-sangat jom JOIN THE MOVEMENT. Contact saya hari ini juga okayh.
Thank you, i love you.
Coach Cinoi
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Myfitclub Fitness Studio Kota Kinabalu
As I always update in my facebook, I am now running Myfitclub Fitness Studio in Kingfisher together with Aunty Liza since early this year. That is also one of the reason why this blog is abandoned *excuses*
Because my job doesn't consist of sitting in front of the computer 24/7
We offers variety of exercise with the most affordable fees in town, package as low as RM49 promotional price. It is located in KingFisher, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Just within walking distance to Hospital Likas.
Types of exercise available in our fitness studio;-
- Yoga
- Zumba
- Fitdance
- K Pop X Fitness
- Hip Hop Cardio
- HIIT Workout
- Toning
- Kickboxing
- Lose weight healthily
- Gain strength and stamina
- Gain Weight
- Maintain Weight
- Healthy Breakfast
- Gain Energy
- Improve Health
- Yoga
- Zumba
- Tarian Kecergasan
- Kecergasan X K Pop
- Kardio Hip Hop
- Senaman Berkala Berintensiti Tinggi
- Toning
- Bertumbuk
- Turun Berat Secara Sihat
- Menambahkan Kekuatan dan Kecergasan
- Naik Berat Badan
- Mengekalkan Berat Badan
- Sarapan Pagi SIhat
- Menambahkan Tenaga
- Meningkatkan Tahap Kesihatan
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
September Customer Day
Bila mula berblogging semua, apa yang aku ada ini lah, pasal studio. Sebab ini lah aktiviti I setiap hari, this is my JOB. So sabarlah yang membaca my social media, we tend to talk about our daily job/activity kan. Alhamdulillah 7 bulan sudah ber-studio fitness, dan buat I makin suka my job because it doesn’t feel like a job job. Hehe
Semalam kami buat Customer Day, which is hari penghargaan pelanggan. Sebab tanpa pelanggan aka client client kami ni maka studio kami akan sunyi sepi krik krik gitew.
Everyone was awesome last night, I am so thankful and grateful for the attendance, the foods, the happiness and the experience last night.
Dimulakan dengan FITDANCE , boleh tengok macam mana excited and happy those people are.
Bak kata Kevin Zahri,
Fitness should be FUN! If its not fun, its hard to keep coming back.
Kemudian ada pula sharing – Health Talk, and how to help ourselves first before helping our family and friends to be healthy and achieved their weight target, testimoni and real life story sharing. Thanks for all the Herbalife coaches around Kota Kinabalu who came to show support and participate last night Alhamdulillah.\
FIT CHALLENGE kami buat satu sahaja iaitu PLANK CHALLENGE
Yang lucu banget PLACK CHALLENGE ni I told them, siapa plank lebih 2 minit ialah pemenangnya. But I let them plack LEBIHHHHHH sangat dari 2 minit, almost 3-4minutes macam tu. I lied to them, I told them okay sekejap lagi dua minit, hold on ya. They didn’t know they true potential if we didn’t push them more. At the end barulah kami bagitahu they actually plank too much longer than 2 minutes. I love the fact that they feel good about it and they feel good about themselves. Its like mission-completed feelings you know.

Next is SHAKE CHALLENGE, pertandingan buat shake Herbalife tersedap dan dalam masa 2 minit sahaja. Why 2 minutes? Sebab secepat itu lah sarapan kami dibancuh, 2minit. Sarapan shake yang complete, vitamins and minerals and protein, low calorie, easy on the go, 2minit setiap pagi.
Not forgetting, LOYALTY GIFT. How to get this? If you subscribe certain package in our fitness studio, you will get points everytime you come, join the fitness activity, take your shake, bring friends, etc. The point collected will entitle you gift based on the accumulative points. Congrats my studio member Carol, entitle for HERBALIFE 24 ARM POUCH. Lepas ni suka la kan lari sambil letak phone di arm pouch.
Fitness studio kami bukan hanya menekankan senaman, kami juga support group yang RESULT oriented, we first determine what you want to achieve in your life and work on that. But the destinations was not as important as the experience that we share along the journey.
To join our FITNESS STUDIO, kindly contact me at +60177000171
Our fitness studio is located at RIVERSIDE PLAZA, KINGFISHER, KOTA KINABALU, SABAH , just nearby HOSPITAL LIKAS.
Herbalife Kota Kinabalu
Coach since 2012
Face to face coaching and Online coaching provided
Friday, September 18, 2015
I Am Really Back This Time
You see, I have problem with my previous domain
For the time being I will be using temporarily until I figure things out with my domain.
So yeah there will be a long update. Just bare with me okayh.
Guess I'll see you soon okayh.
You can find me at
Instagram- cinoi_kkfitness.soldier
Facebook- Cinoi Kassim
Facebook Page - Fitness Studio Riverside Plaza Kingfisher
twitter - cinoidotcom
Guess i'll see you when i see you
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Rindu Setengah Mati
Hari-hariku kembali sunyiii huwaaaau!!
End of january, Mom and Dad came from Sandakan. Daddy pergi check mata, after 6 months suffering baru lah daddy mau check.
Mula-mula ingatkan katarak. kami pergi jumpa Dr.Dayang di damai. Selepas setengah hari di sana, Dr.Dayang refer ke Dr. Peter Kong. And it was not KATARAK. Kann pepandai ja diagnos sendiri. Mata kiri daddy sebenarnya mengalami retinal detachment. InshaAllah nanti ada masa aku blog in detail pasal RETINAL DETACHMENT ini okay. Patut lahh semakin kabur dan sakit kepala selalu. Masa tu TUESDAY 27th Jan, Dr. Peter Kong terus kasi date operation the next day haa kau tetiba je. Tapi kami minta the following operation day , Sabtu sebab macam tiba-tiba pula esok operate, daddy mesti lagi nervous.
Jadi 31hb Jan awal lagi kami ke sana walaupun Dr.Kong cakap operation pukul 11. Lama juga menunggu, tiba-tiba nurse cakap ada sejam lebih lagi pergi lah dulu keluar lunch. Jadi kami semua pun lunch lah dulu, lepas lunch baru balik begini begitu Daddy masuk operation pukul 3, and habis pukul 4.30pm mcam tu.
Dr. Kong ni memang best since first day Daddy cek sana, kami semua masuk tanya ini itu dia layannnn ja hahaha. Habis operation dia pun hantar daddy sampai ke luar. Then rest jap terus balik ke hotel. The next day on Sunday Daddy kena datang semula untuk buka balutan mata.
For few days Daddy and Mommy stay di hotel sebab suasana lebib kondusif hehehehe. then lepas 3 malam di hotel, they stay with me. Kauu gilaa tak nervous, ini first time my parents come and stay with me. Selama ni aku yang dijaga sakit, but this time aku pula menjaga di rumah ku. nervous stage 4 ok! Sebab utama is daddy tengah recovery, and Dad and Mom is very detail orangnya epecially pasal kebersihan, dorang tidak boleh sedikit habuk pun terus gatal hidung haaa kauu. Sepanjang my parents stay di rumah, they all masuk tidur ja, me and husband vacuum and mop rumah every night. Mihmihmih. Selama ni selamba selamba ja maklumlah rumah bujang.
Perancangan Allah memang baik. Me and husband last sekali balik Sandakan pada hari merdeka 2014 (31aug), lepas tu banyak sangat dugaan kami memang tiada balik Sandakan langsung to visit my parents. But Allah send them to me for me to take care of them Subhanallah Maha Suci Allah. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Taip ni pun aku sebakk huaaaaa
ada 16hari juga my parents stay with me, dalam 16 hari tu ada few times pergi review until last Friday Dr.Kong cakap daddy sudah boleh balik. Means ada improvement la itu mata SYukur Alhamdulillah walaupun sebenarnya aku sedih sebab sunyii lahh rumah ku nanti . I don’t want my parents to go back to Sandakan but at the same time I wan my dad to recover fast. It’s a mixed feelings you know.
Kemarin pagi I send them to the airport, their flight was at 7am in the morning. Tahan ja la sebak takut airport banjir, once they leave terus aku menangis sepuasnya. Balik rumah nangis lagi. Tidur malam nangis lagi hahaha kalah budak-budak. Gelas coffe daddy, air minum daddy ada atas meja lagi, kain sarung Mom ada bergantung di bilik lagi huwaaa tambah aku sebak. semalam aku tidur di tempat Mom n Dad tidur hehehehe. Ada bau-bau dorang di bantal konon. Sentimental gila hahaahha.
Sepanjang Mom and Dad stay di rumah kami murah sangat rezeki kami suami isteri. Hati pun tenang and gembira jaa hari-hari excited mahu balik rumah. Kalau kami berdua ja di rumah ni meang banyak spent time di luar. Since Mom n dad di sini banyak kami cut off masa kerja di luar. Yang paling best setiap kali balik Mom sudah siap masak. Setiap masa sudah siap masak, setiap masa makan makan makan.
How i miss Mom and Dad so much. Mudahan Allah bagi kesihatan dan kebahagiaan sama mereka. Early March Dad akan datang lagi for another review, hopefully all went well.
Until then.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
AJL, Dato Vida, Qu Puteh
Anyway, aku terpanggil niii menulis pasal ni sebab rasa berat di dada ecewah. Last week Spectacular 2015 habis hari Ahad petang, pastu pergi lepak makan with my team di Taman Warisan putrajaya tu. Balik rumah mertua kakak di cheras sudah penat memang tak larat mahu tengok ajl. Cuma sempat tengok Calliph Buskers then iklan sekejap, sebelum iklan ada Dato Vida promote Qu Puteh. Then aku naik bilik, tidurrr krohhh krohhhh krohhhhh.
The thing is few days after AJL, tak habis habis lalu di Timeline newsfeed facebook pasal kuputeh barulah puteh ni. Sampai di group group whatsapp banyak receive troll picture ku puteh.
See, aku tak pakai any of qu puteh whitening products. Juga aku tak menyokong kalau hanya putih tu cantik sebab kulit aku sawo matang. Hahah aku memperjuangkan hak semua warna kulit deserve to glow. Yes right takkan nak ubah warna kulit ye dok. Memang orang kulit putih ni cantik, tapi cuba ko imagine orang yang kulit putih ni dengan muka dia macam tu tapi dia hitam/gelap, cantik takk?
Aku percaya orang yang cantik ni dalam apa warna pun dia tetap cantik, imagine ko ikut run ka hiking bukit kaa panas matahari pastu sunburn, kau still cantik tak?
Tapiii aku tak setuju lahh orang dok kutuk Dato Vida kan. Sebab I admire her you know. Few weeks (kalau taksilap haribulan) aku ada tengok dokumentari pasal Dato Vida ni. How she grew her business and herself, how she lost two kids in a fire, sekarang dia ada rumah besar dia, dia ada range rover evoque and dia dah pergi haji. Kau ingat senang ka nak dapat semua tu kerja siang malam oiiii. Which semua pun aku belum lalui (mudahan part hilang anak tu aku tak lalui sebab taktahu lagi aku mampu ke tak hadapi, tapiii ya memang Allah menguji tidak di luar kemampuan kita kan)
Masa tu aku tengok dokumentari dengan husband aku yang sudah turun berat 22kg dulu obesiti sekarang sudah slim tu, then kami pun ada google lahh nak cari about her and all you know she was a school teacher before kalau tak silap, dan she starts from bawah juga. Husband aku siap cakap kalau dapat 1-2 hours sit down dengan dia belanja makan just to listen to her stories ni cool juga. Yeahh Jim Rohn cakap spend some of your money to treat a successful person to a lunch or dinner and suck all their stories out of them. She is such an inspiration. And I accept dia punya minat ke arah fesyen blink blink (kalau aku tak accept pon ko ingat ada dia kesahahahahah)
Pastu dalam dokumentari dia tu ada sorang staff dia yang cantik and comel ni menangis bila bercakap pasal Dato Vida, see there must be something in her yang tahap staf dia menangis bila bercakap pasal dia. Kauu haderrr ke staf ko nak menangis bila cakap pasal kauuu?
Yang asyik mengutuk dia qu puteh qu puteh ni banyak masa pula kan. Cuba ambil masa tu untuk kita grow diri kita, well aku pun tengah belajar.
Kalau you feel annoyed pun dengan iklan tu small matter la for me, either u can change the tv channel, or just let it pass by. Kenapa mesti REACT to that iklan that you watch. Aku ada baca buku ni sebab aku pun tengah belajar improve diri, dia kata biarlah kita punya respond ni dipengaruhi oleh our inner self, don't let the outside defines what you feel.
Jadi, barulah orang buat iklan bertalu talu, dah kau annoyed tahap apa, chill lah. While korang ni troll dia, she is still making lots of money and she will also still growing by overcoming those challenges. Dan apapun semakin ramai orang mengenali jenamanya termasuk aku haaaaa, the power of marketing and advertisment katakau.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
how addicted i am to blogging
thank you for dropping by
hope u enjoy reading and do come again